
The protection of personal data and privacy in a globalized world: a universal right respecting diversities

Designing for privacy in a global yet diverse market

  • Autor/Autorin: Barbara Lawler
  • Rechtsgebiete: Datenschutz
  • Zitiervorschlag: Barbara Lawler, The protection of personal data and privacy in a globalized world: a universal right respecting diversities, in: Jusletter 3. Oktober 2005
Building privacy standards into HP products and services is a strategic dimension in the protection of the personal data of customers and employees at Hewlett-Packard. HP not only maintains personally identifiable data of customers and employees in our systems, it also creates products and services that other companies use to obtain and maintain personally identifiable data. To meet that need, HP developed the Design for Privacy initiative. It is common sense to us, then, that privacy would be as integral to the products we create and the services we offer as it is to our own practices. In a global economy, this enables HP compliance with data protection requirements as well as that of our customers.

Table of contents

  • I. Design for Privacy Principles
  • II. Building privacy into the product lifecycle
  • III. Privacy Impact Assessments
  • IV. Compliance and Market Access

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