
«Are comparisons possible? A Framework for assessing the performance of data protection supervisors»

  • Auteur-e: Malcolm Crompton
  • Domaines juridiques: Protection des données
  • Proposition de citation: Malcolm Crompton, «Are comparisons possible? A Framework for assessing the performance of data protection supervisors», in : Jusletter 3. Oktober 2005
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on a possible framework for measuring the performance of a regulator, including data protection and privacy commissioners in their roles as regulators. The risks of not defining measures of performance and not measuring performance against those benchmarks can be extreme, including radical overhaul or abolition of such bodies during times of controversy. The paper concludes with a suggestion that commissioners consider establishing some simple, comparative measures. Given the challenges of ensuring that the results of performance measurement are comparable, commissioners may wish to withhold publishing these results for a year or two, during which an approach to understanding and interpreting the results develops.

Table of contents

  • I. Introduction ^
  • II. Performance measurement for data protection commissioners and other regulators today ^
  • III. The Environment in which a commissioner operates is very important ^
  • IV. What are the indicia of a good regulator? ^
  • V. A suggested Framework for assessing a Commissioner´s performance ^
  • 1. Measures of economic impact ^
  • 2. Measures of social impact ^
  • 3. Measures for accountability of resources ^
  • 4. Measures for independence, fairness, transparency and accountability in policy decision making ^
  • 5. Measures for independence, fairness and accountability in approach to law enforcement: ^
  • 6. Measures for independence, fairness, transparency and accountability in complaints handling ^
  • 7. Measures of active engagement with policy debate: ^
  • 8. Measures of respect for the law: ^
  • 9. Measures of efficient and good service provision: ^
  • VI. The process of measuring performance ^
  • VII. Where might data protection and privacy commissioners start? ^
  • VIII. Conclusion ^

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