
Contract of use of wagons in international rail transport law

  • Auteur-e-s: Erik Evtimov / Guillaume Murawa
  • Catégories d'articles: Contributions
  • Domaines juridiques: Chemins de fer, Droit des transports
  • DOI: 10.38023/b5cd29cb-64ea-4844-8fd2-4473258b1d56
  • Proposition de citation: Erik Evtimov / Guillaume Murawa, Contract of use of wagons in international rail transport law, in : Jusletter 26 septembre 2022
Based on the fundamental principal of contractual freedom in the international rail transport law in the shape of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF 1999) and the General Contract of Use for wagons (GCU 2006) the contract of use of freight wagons is presenting different legal structure and liability regime as the general contract of carriage of goods or contract of use of infrastructure.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Wagon law in the context of the COTIF and secondary EU law
  • 3. … and its implementation via the General Contract of Use for wagons (GCU)
  • 4. Outlook

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