
Compliance Risks in the Metaverse

  • Auteur-e-s: Fabian Teichmann / Sonia Boticiu / Bruno S. Sergi
  • Catégories d'articles: Essais
  • Domaines juridiques: Informatique et droit, Metaverse
  • DOI: 10.38023/f4792523-bd6c-4cf7-8e68-2ce5c90e77ca
  • Proposition de citation: Fabian Teichmann / Sonia Boticiu / Bruno S. Sergi, Compliance Risks in the Metaverse, in : Jusletter 20 mars 2023
This study aims to provide valuable insight into the challenges of widespread metaverse adoption. Moreover, it gives an overview of metaverse evolution and benefits, as well as of the latest trends and developments. While the emergence of the metaverse creates new opportunities and potential business models, its widespread adoption raises many questions about privacy, security, safety, and governance. For this reason, this study suggests the need to consider compliance risks and plan for meaningful regulation, given the significant impact metaverse platforms could have on society in the coming years.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Metaverse
  • 2.1. Definition
  • 2.2. Trends
  • 2.3. Developments
  • 3. Compliance Issues of the Metaverse
  • 4. Discussion
  • 5. Conclusion

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