
The responsibility of commanders and other superiors

A comparison between Article 7 (3) of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia’s Statute and Article 28 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

  • Autor/Autorin: Nicolas Tamayo Lopez
  • Beitragsart: Wissenschaftliche Beiträge
  • Rechtsgebiete: Landesverteidigung. Militärrecht. Notstand, Rechtsvergleichung, Strafrecht international
  • DOI: 10.38023/dd697af4-b961-4f94-a44c-d5db3deb6c49
  • Zitiervorschlag: Nicolas Tamayo Lopez, The responsibility of commanders and other superiors, in: Jusletter 17. August 2020
The present article addresses the concept and the conditions of the commanders and other superiors’ responsibility in the commission of core crimes. More precisely it approaches the differences in the codification of this doctrine between the statutes of the International Criminal Courts for Rwanda and Ex-Yougoslavia and the statute of the International Criminal court in order to highlight the interpretative effects of these differences. The article addresses notably the differences in the threshold necessary to the existence of the mes rea for the superior’s responsibility and the presence of a requirement of a causal element.

Table of contents

  • I. Introduction
  • II. The responsibility of superiors as a concept
  • A. Theoretical aspects
  • B. Necessary elements
  • III. The conditions of and differences between art. 7 (3) of the icty statute and art. 28 of the rome statute
  • A. Richness of wording
  • B. The underlying core crime
  • C. The differentiation between military and civilian superiors
  • 1. The scopes
  • 2. The issues
  • D. «activities within the effective responsibility and control»
  • E. The mens rea standards
  • 1. Between «had reasons to know» and «should have known»
  • 2. Between «should have known» and «consciously disregarded information»
  • 3. Summary on the mens rea
  • F. The causality
  • 1. The issue under the ICTY/R
  • 2. The issue under the ICC
  • a. The two-fold duties approach
  • b. The single duty approach
  • c. The threshold
  • 3. Summary on the causality
  • IV. Conclusion

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