
Disciplina della tutela sanitaria delle attivitá sportive e della lotta contro il doping

La legge n. 376 del 14.12.2000

  • Autor/Autorin: Guido Valori
  • Rechtsgebiete: Sport
  • Zitiervorschlag: Guido Valori, Disciplina della tutela sanitaria delle attivitá sportive e della lotta contro il doping, in: Jusletter 20. Februar 2006
The necessity to face the spreading phenomenon of doping in sport has induced the Italian legislator to enact the law n. 376 of 14 December 2000 on sanitary protection of sports activity and fight against doping (the law 2000 n.376). The main feature of the law 2000 n.376 consists in the implementation of an independent offence of doping with specific sanctions. The practical application of the law 2000 n.376 raises several serious problems of «normative» harmonization with the national and international sporting rules, in particular following the adoption of the World Antidoping Code. Among other problems, it bears noting that the list of the prohibited substances and methods applicable under Italian law does not correspond with the WADA list. Further inconsistencies exist with respect to the responsibilities for the doping control process. These problems will be particularly evident in case of international competition taking place in Italy. The author considers that the law 2000 n.376 should be amended to bring it in line with the WADA international regime in order to preserve Italy´s role as an important place in organizing international sports events.

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