Swiss Legal and Tax Implications of Social Impact Bonds
Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) bieten privaten Investoren die Möglichkeit, eine finanzielle Rendite zu erzielen, die von den messbaren Ergebnissen einer gemeinnützigen Organisation im Rahmen eines bestimmten Projektes abhängt. Die Mittel zur Rückzahlung der Investoren werden von Spendern (in der Regel Regierungen oder öffentliche Körperschaften) bereitgestellt. Die Spendenbeträge sind an Meilensteine im Rahmen des Projektes gekoppelt. Dieser Text beleuchtet die rechtlichen und steuerlichen Implikationen von SIBs in der Schweiz, z.B. des Program for Humanitarian Impact Investment, ein Finanzierungsprojekt des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK).
Table of contents
- A. Introduction: what is a social impact bond (SIB)?
- B. Creation of the SIB
- 1. Admissibility in light of the characteristics of the SIB issuer
- 2. Creation of a special purpose vehicle (SPV)
- C. Distribution of the SIB
- 1. Legal characterization of a SIB
- 2. Overview of the applicable rules
- a) Arguments in favour of a characterization as a loan agreement
- b) Arguments in favour of a characterization as a bond
- 3. Rules applicable to public bond offerings
- a) Definition of a «public» bond offering
- b) Swiss prospectus rules
- c) Consequence of non-compliance with Swiss prospectus rules
- 4. Practical impact on the distribution process
- 5. Excursus 1: in-house fund
- 6. Excursus 2: impact of the draft Swiss Financial Services Act
- D. Taxation of the SIB
- 1. Swiss WHT
- a) Is the issuer of the SIB a «bank for Swiss WHT purposes»?
- b) Is the SIB a «bond for Swiss WHT purposes»?
- c) Conclusion
- 2. Swiss stamp tax
- 3. Swiss VAT
- a) Payments received by the SIB issuer from the outcome funders
- b) Payments made by the SIB issuer to the social investors
- 4. Tax implications for Swiss-resident investors
- E. Practical considerations drawn from the Program for Humanitarian Impact Investment (PHII)
- 1. Presentation of the PHII
- 2. Lessons learned
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