
Swiss Digital Nomads: from Vis-a-vis to Visa

International attractive strategies for remote work

  • Auteur-e: Francesca Amaddeo
  • Catégories d'articles: Contributions
  • Domaines juridiques: Droit fiscal
  • DOI: 10.38023/d1034fb7-35d9-47ef-bd74-8cb3b6b4f1ed
  • Proposition de citation: Francesca Amaddeo, Swiss Digital Nomads: from Vis-a-vis to Visa, in : Jusletter 14 novembre 2022
Digital nomadism: a spreading phenomenon involving all those workers able to carry forward their activities only through a laptop and a wi-fi connection. High mobility and the absence of a mandatory physical link challenge current international tax rules. Thus, several countries decided to invest in attracting such high-skilled professionals by releasing the so-called Digital Nomads Visas. The author tries to approach the issue from a fiscal perspective, giving an overview of tax issues and evaluating the pros and cons of introducing such a permit to stay in Switzerland.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction to digital nomads
  • 2. Tax issues related to digital nomads
  • 3. Digital Nomads Visa: make your offer!
  • 4. A Swiss Digital Nomad Visa: why not?
  • 4.1. A brief analysis of the legal framework: State of the art
  • 4.1.1. Entry and stay permits in Switzerland
  • 4.1.2. Tax regime of beneficiaries of permits to stay in Switzerland carrying forward a gainful activity
  • 4.2. Swiss Digital Nomad Visa: proposed eligibility criteria and legal basis
  • 5. Swiss Digital Nomad Visa: some remarks

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